ARCANTE Consulting

Le conseil by arcante logo

"Whether as a consultant or mandated negotiator, we are actively involved with each of our clients until the agreement to be built has been implemented"

Le Conseil by Arcante is the professional negotiation advisory of the Arcante Group. It draws on the Arcante Group's negotiation technology and the expertise of its consultants who have managed similar negotiation issues.

Professional negotiation consultancy

Whatever the negotiation situation they are facing, our clients will find the answers that will put them in the best possible position to allow them to reach the optimal agreement for their requirements. From strategic issues within their partner ecosystem or operational issues, Arcante Group consultants will be able to provide the answers and make the appropriate recommendations.

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Consultancy service

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Negotiation strategy advisory

An effective strategy leads the negotiation to a level that is favourable to the interests of the party that developed it. It allows the client to take control and the initiative in a negotiation, rather than being subjected to negotiation. This is the cornerstone of a successful negotiation.

Élaborer pour notre client la meilleure stratégie de négociation nécessite la maîtrise d’outils puissants et fiables ainsi qu’une expérience approfondie des négociations menées dans son secteur d’activité.

Nous travaillons en équipe avec notre client avec méthode et enthousiasme
Pour cela nous déployons notre processus inédit Design Deal© qui s’appuie sur notre technologie de négociation exclusive et sur le talent de nos consultants, négociateurs professionnels chevronnés, experts du secteur d’activité de notre client.

processus design deal

First, it is vital to understand the power relations between the parties, to identify the culture of their organisation when faced with conflicting interests, and to evaluate the interests that unite them and the intensity of their cooperation.

Il faut ensuite évaluer les convergences et divergences entre les parties, en estimer les volontés et capacités de compromis, évaluer les options en cas de rupture de la négociation, les risques éventuels de rétorsion ou de conflit avec l’autre partie.

All this allows us to build the best basis for negotiation in line with our client's interests in the agreement to be reached with the other party. Finally, it is necessary to determine the most appropriate way of entering into negotiations in order to deploy the developed strategy and basis for negotiation.

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Operational negotiation advisory and support

Nous assistons l’équipe de négociation de notre client avec rigueur et bienveillance

To succeed in a negotiation, and to build a stable agreement that commits the other party while preserving the interests of the company we are advising, is the result of acquired know-how and advanced technology.

To achieve this, Arcante Group has an organised set of negotiation tools, techniques and methods, as well as sophisticated and globally recognised technology. Our consultants work alongside our client's negotiating team to provide reassurance, act as a sounding board and provide ongoing support in every negotiation situation.

In this way, we assist our client's negotiation team in all phases of the negotiation, from its preparation to its conclusion. We do this by deploying our nine-step Process Deal© process, and ensure that our client can always reach the consultant throughout the negotiation.

Nous travaillons aux côtés de l’équipe de négociation de notre client avec exigence et dévouement

We identify and prepare the most effective tactics to use for each topic on the agenda. We build the most effective negotiation scenario according to the constraints and context of the negotiation. We develop powerful and bold argumentation stances and frameworks to be used on the other party.

processus develop deal
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Negotiation agent

We can represent our client's interests in negotiations with partners. We can also be an integral part of its negotiating team by acting as an expert observer of the negotiation vis-à-vis the other party. Arcante Group is the only negotiating advisory firm to take on such assignments.

Ce type d’intervention est strictement encadré par des lettres de mission comportant – en sus des dispositions habituelles – des clauses spécifiques telles que la limitation du mandat confié, l’exclusivité d’intervention ou la protection privée du consultant.

Negotiator mandate

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"We defend our client's interests at the negotiating table against the other party by deploying all our skills and experience in negotiation strategies, tactics, techniques, stances and argumentation frameworks."

Together with our client, we draw up a scoping letter specifying the nature of the mandate, the expected objectives, the fault lines and breaking points of the mandate, the possible escalation mechanisms of the mandate, the material conditions for exercising the mandate, the terms of presentation to the other party of the entrusted mandate, and the means of supervision for exercising the mandate. In compliance with this scoping letter, Arcante Group will then negotiate with the other party on behalf of its client.

Negotiator mandate

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"We defend our client's interests at the negotiating table against the other party by deploying all our skills and experience in negotiation strategies, tactics, techniques, stances and argumentation frameworks."

Together with our client, we draw up a scoping letter specifying the nature of the mandate, the expected objectives, the fault lines and breaking points of the mandate, the possible escalation mechanisms of the mandate, the material conditions for exercising the mandate, the terms of presentation to the other party of the entrusted mandate, and the means of supervision for exercising the mandate. In compliance with this scoping letter, Arcante Group will then negotiate with the other party on behalf of its client.

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Client testimonials

Mass retailer

After noticing that relations with its main international suppliers were too often limited to ongoing transactional negotiations, this major European retailer wanted to rebuild new forms of relationship that would generate strong added value, beyond the usual commercial agreements. It then asked Arcante Group to define new relationship strategies and initiate them with its major suppliers. At the end of this mission, nearly 80% of the targeted suppliers signed new partnership agreements with our client, generating growth in their commercial performance above that of their competitors and redefining in the long term a mode of collaboration that brings shared value and strengthens positions for consumers.

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Industriel des produits de grande consommation

Our client had embarked on a policy of lowering its margins to preserve its listing and market share in a tense competitive environment. Despite its internal productivity efforts, this situation of economic deflation had become unsustainable, particularly in the face of rising commodity prices. It then called on Arcante Group to advise and support it in its annual price negotiations with its customers in order to reconcile the restoration of its margins and the preservation of its commercial positions with distributors with consumer sales prices. For the first time in several years, our client succeeded in concluding price increase agreements with all of its distributors, thus preserving and even improving its market position.

Automotive industry

Our client manages international tenders for the renewal and extension of its OEM contracts. It approached Arcante Group as part of a contract renewal with its main customer in a highly competitive market. Together with our client's international negotiation team, Arcante Group worked to define and execute an innovative negotiation strategy based on novel approaches and tools for professional negotiation. Arcante Group was involved in the entire tender process, from the analysis of the functional, technical and commercial specifications to the final negotiations of the last round. We provided tactical and technical support to the negotiating team until they won the tender, meeting their technical, contractual and financial objectives.

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Quality approach

The Arcante Group is committed to continuous improvement. The aim is to promote processes internally to achieve excellence.

We provide you with the best expert consultants, whose skills are regularly validated and developed to conduct the interventions and ensure their success.

We are committed to continuous improvement so that our clients can benefit from our latest developments.


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