For a more responsible and sustainable world

Our contribution to a more responsible world and sustainable development is based on three ambitions.

The Arcante Group's CSR approach is in line with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

A. Fighting poverty and promoting economic development

Providing our skills and experience to actors committed to economic and social development in disadvantaged regions of the world


We provide financial and methodological support to the consultants of the Impulseo Association, which works to transform the social and solidarity economy sector by helping to develop micro-entrepreneurs in Latin America.

1001 Fontaines

We support the 1001 Fontaines organisation, which develops employment and promotes access to water in developing areas of Asia through the creation of drinking water distribution micro-enterprises. The WATER IN SCHOOL programme provides children with free drinking water in schools, giving them the chance of a better future and better education

Handicap International

We provide our skills to Handicap International in the context of skills sponsorship to enable general interest projects to increase their impact and sustainability (through advisory and training in negotiation).

In addition to this commitment, our job and mission is to contribute to the development of a better and more harmonious world through the development of agreements between economic actors.

2. Protecting the environment and contribute to decarbonization

Acting to contribute to environmental change

Our premises have studios for efficient video conferencing training and meetings. Our meeting rooms are equipped with video conferencing facilities to improve the quality of remote meetings and avoid travel.

We make our employees aware of the environmental impact of their travel by encouraging them to use public transport for all their business trips, including home/work. All high-polluting vehicles have been phased out. Our car fleet consists of hybrid vehicles.

We have chosen to favour local suppliers and economic partners to support the local economy and limit our daily carbon impact.

Finally, we are taking action to limit the company's electricity consumption and we encourage employees to limit paper printing. Paper cups have been replaced and our ink cartridges, paper and cardboard are systematically recycled.

3. Equal opportunity at work

Ensuring equal opportunities for employees

We promote diversity in our teams, because a team works better when it is diverse in terms of origins, backgrounds and profiles. We help create a more productive team with a broader view of its environment !

We promote equal pay and are convinced that professional equality between men and women is an asset for the social dynamism of the company. Our remuneration policy is based on strict equality of pay between men and women for equivalent positions.

Developing and building our employees' loyalty

We guarantee the conditions for well-being at work and constantly strive to strengthen team cohesion. Employees have the option of working remotely for two days a week. Maintaining a sense of belonging to the company and the bond of trust remain our priority. Our team is stable, and all employees are on permanent contracts with an average seniority of seven years.

Priority is given to integrating employees: the onboarding process for new recruits is clear, well-paced and takes place over two months. A mentor is assigned to each new employee to facilitate their integration.

After onboarding, support for ensuring our employees' professional development remains a strong commitment. This approach is in line with the firm's objective of developing skills for self-fulfilment as professionals, individuals and citizens.

Our employees are mobilised in internal working groups with a variety of themes, allowing each person to get involved according to their preferred subject, with the aim of adapting the consulting and training profession to changes in its ecosystem.