In the light of the many clients we serve each year in training, we would like to share a few lessons about the regulatory framework in which our training services are provided.

Disability compensation in training: what does it involve?

A bit of history : The right to compensation was introduced by the 2005 Disability Act, and is designed to give disabled people equal access to society. The provision of material or financial assistance is intended to offset the consequences of disability throughout life.

Any disabled person wishing to embark on a training programme must therefore be able to do so under suitable conditions.

Taking account of the difficulties encountered

The training organisation must take account of the difficulties encountered and provide the necessary individual compensation. This may involve, for example :

The provision of special equipment such as mobile and reclining desks, adjustable chairs, digital media and IT and teaching equipment adapted to different disabilities;

✅ Part-time or discontinuous reception, with a training period adapted to the disability;

✅ Adapting assessment methods, etc.

✅ Human assistance (sign language translator, secretary, etc.), particularly during the examination phases.

All of the Arcante Group's training organisations deliver training courses accessible to people with disabilities.

The disability advisor will be happy to help you find ways of compensating for the specific needs of all your participants !